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trophy award 2021-Q1: Pro Gallery

Trophies awarded for 2020-Q1

April 2, 2021

First quarter of the 2021 is over, so it is time to award the trophies to the best hill hunters for 2021-Q1 period. Captured hills from this period are situated in 10 countries, which is the biggest number until now. We are happy the hill hunter community is growing.


The most successful country

The strongest country was again Slovakia, which won all world trophies. 


Challenge Quantity

Two users were fighting for the first place in the world region. Todela with 42 captured hills won this battle over Sorash, who captured 40 hills.


Challenge Height

Differences in the "royal" Height challenge were very close in the world region. Trophies for the 1st, 2nd and 3th places won Sorash (19.85 km), Levap (16.56 km) and Todela (14.79) respectively. 4th place in the world region goes to Spanish hiker Jemenico who was missing only 0.66 km to get a world trophy.


Challenge Bounty

Todela was absolutely dominant in the Challenge Bounty. It will be very difficult to beat his 11 points in the 2021-year period.


The most successful users

Todela won 6 trophies (3 in the world region) and he was the most successful user of the 2021-Q1 period. Sorash was successful too, he won 4 trophies (2 in the world region).  They won their first trophies in the Hill Hunter GPS.

trophy award 2021-Q1: News & Updates
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